May 21, 2024

The 4 most important sales tips

Here we tell you what the best sales tips are for if you want to sell your own house!

The 4 most important sales tips

If you have decided to sell your house, you want to complete it quickly. In order to have as few headaches as possible, you naturally hire a reliable real estate agent who knows the market well and can accurately assess which buyers your house will suit. But there are also things you can do yourself to find an enthusiastic buyer as quickly as possible.

1. Ask a reasonable price

Naturally, you want to get the most out of the sale, but keep the asking price reasonable and in line with the market. If the asking price is initially too high, you will attract far fewer interested buyers and the chance of a quick sale will be significantly reduced. Many sellers have put heart and soul into their 'palace' for years, but you cannot monetize sentimental value. Buyers do not (yet) feel that added value. Therefore, try to objectively assess the fair value of your property. Your real estate agent can give you good advice on this.

2. Tidy up your house!

People live in a house, but of course everyone prefers a clean and tidy house. That is the most inviting and gives viewers the feeling that they can jump right in. So before they ring the doorbell: put away all the toys, take the dirty dishes off the counter and preferably into the cupboard sparkling clean, make sure all the beds are neatly made and don't forget the bathrooms. A fresh scent helps to give the impression that the house is really spotless. Light a nice scented candle or – also an efficient trick – bake some cookies or an apple pie, for example. Scent is often underestimated, but it largely determines the impression the house leaves.

3. Remove personal items

Pack things like photos, portraits, awards and sentimental belongings in advance. Buyers would like to be able to visualize their future home and feel at home in it. Rummaging through other people's personal belongings makes that a lot more difficult. In a study into this, a quarter of all real estate agents indicated that a tidy house, stripped of personal items, not only sells faster but also yields up to 5% more than comparable homes that were not tidy.

4. Stay available

One of the four most important aspects of selling your home is accessibility. If your house is always available, this offers optimal opportunities to schedule a viewing. Some buyers, especially those who are moving, often don't have much time. If a specific viewing time does not fit your agenda, potential buyers will move on to the next option where they can go. Missed opportunity.


If you want your house to be for sale for as short a time as possible, you have a lot of influence on this. And with a reliable real estate agent you have the best chance of selling quickly at the best price with the least worries.
Call for an appointment and feel free to visit our office in the Top Business Center on Caracasbaaiweg without obligation. We think that's fun!

 Henny de Beer

Henny de Beer


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